Abstraction Tom’s DNA, 2002 Always and forever more, 2009 Raving Ribbons. 2002 Pater 2. 2009 Pater 1. 2009 Eddy’s Flower. Pater and Mater bis. 2009 Pea Pods. 2001 Katia’s Ribbons. 2009 Big Apple on Fire. 2009 The Buttler. 2008 Pixelation Fish-Fall-Face, 1998 Obelisk. 2007 Four Elements. 2002 Pirates on the Road to Valhalla. 2008 John’s Emotions. 2009 Calm After the Storm. 2002 Samurai 2003 A Quick Thought. 2002 Serotonin on Cake. 2017 Alain’s Universe. Serotonin Reuptake. 2016 Ambers in the Alms. 2006 Floatation. 2015 Dr. Zamboni’s Miracle. 2008 Blood Brain Barrier. 2016 Fire. 2001 Tsunami. 2015 empathy on a backdrop of reason. 2011 Orbit, 2006 Hyperplasia. 2005 The Questions of Quebec’s Identity. 2004 Other’s’ Ideas about Quebec’s identity. 2007 15 Cubes 2011 15 cubes Crab Cakes. 2009 Puppy Love. 2009 Rasta Gardern, 1999 Running Woman. 2001 Fallopian Tulips. 2006 Jesus Walks. 2001 First Flower. 1998.